Perpetual Chess Podcast

EP.190 - Andrew Zinn (Adult Improver Series)



Andrew Zinn is a 29 year old Mathematics graduate student who also works in the finance industry . Despite his busy career, Andrew managed to take his USCF rating from 1567 to 2027 in the two years leading up to the coronavirus shutdown. How did he do it? As Andrew tells us, he has an approach based on playing lots of tournament chess, reading classic chess books, and really focusing on improving his visualization skills. Of course, there is more to Andrew’s approach than that, as you will hear in the interview.  Andrew has much to say about what contributed to his remarkable rating leap. Please read on for more details and timestamps.  0:00- Andrew tells the story of his discovery of chess as a kid, and his rediscovery of the game in recent years. As Andrew explains it, his approach has changed a lot as an adult.  Mentioned: GM Alex Shabalov, NM Jerry Meyers, Richard James, GM Magnus Carlsen   09:45- Andrew is also an adult improver as a piano player. How did learning piano as an adult inform his che