Perpetual Chess Podcast

EP.156 - FM Michiel Abeln



In addition to his day job, in which he maintains a senior leadership role at Shell Oil, FM Michiel Abeln is a chess trainer and a chess journalist. Late this year, he and Quality Chess Publishing released his book, The Anand Files: The World Championship Story 2008-2012. It is an incredible book, which goes deep into the ups and downs, games, opening theory, and most of all, the emotions of GM Viswanathan Anand’s team during the 2008, 2010 and 2012 world championship matches. In our conversation, Michiel takes us from the nervous beginnings of this project, through to many of the interesting details he learned and decisions he made in terms of how to structure the book. Please read on for more details and timestamps.  If you are not seeing embedded hyperlinks on your podcast feed, you can find them here: 0:00- We dive right into the Anand files, as Michiel discusses why he decided to donate the proceeds of The Anand Files t