Perpetual Chess Podcast

EP.141 - Isaac Steincamp



Isaac Steincamp is only 22, but has already been quite busy making a name for himself in the chess world. He is an expert level chess player, and after recently graduating from the University of Pittsburgh, he has begun working at as The Lead Solutions Architect. In  the past he has been a chess streamer, has made videos for, and he founded Chess Summit. In our conversation, we talk about how Isaac got his new gig, what is going on at, and Isaac’s chess improvement recommendations, both for his own game and for other players. Please read on for timestamps, links and more details.  0:00- Intro. We begin by discussing how Isaac ended up with the position of Lead Solutions Architect at  Referenced NM Sam Copeland, Aran S, Nick Barton  9:00- As the Deputy Commissioner of the Pro Chess League, Isaac gives us a rundown of all that is going on with the Pro Chess League, including the Summer Series, which is winding down.  Referenced The Pittsburgh Pawnsgrab