Mylife: Chassidus Applied

Ep. 511: Enlisting in the IDF How should we defend ourselves from antisemitic attacks? 



Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics:What does the month of Elul teach us today?   How Elul empowers us with strength in threatening times?  Which names describe the month of Elul?  What is the meaning of the “king is in the field”?  What specific things should we be doing during this month?  What unique power and energy does this month have?  What is its historical background?  60 Days: A Spiritual Guide to the High Holidays  Is this month an opportune time for receiving blessings to have children?  What can prospective parents do during this time to manifest these blessings?  How is this month connected with the geulah?  Who initiates the effort in this month – we or G-d?  What is the meaning of ani l’dodi v’dodi li?  What responsibility do we have in these times of challenge and war?  Would it be wrong and considered a lack of emunah to move into a bunker for the next few years and come out after the wars end?  After the great divine revelation at Sinai how could the