The Trail Went Cold

The Trail Went Cold - Episode 395 - Star Palumbo and Selena Edon



April 26, 2000. Reno, Nevada. 25-year old Star Palumbo is found wandering around through a restricted area at Reno-Tahoe International Airport and tells security that she is looking for her sister, even though she does not have one. An officer drives Star to the nearby Hilton Hotel and Casino and drops her off, but she soon vanishes without trace and her abandoned car is discovered at the airport one day later. Since Star had been displaying erratic and paranoid behaviour prior to her disappearance, investigators explore the possibility that she was on drugs or suffered some sort of mental breakdown, but even though there are a number of unconfirmed rumours about what might have happened to Star, no trace of her is ever found.  October 28, 1991. San Francisco, California. After last being seen at a hospital, 29-year old Selena Edon inexplicably disappears and breaks off all contact with her loved ones. Two years earlier, Selena had suffered a serious brain injury in a motorcycle accident which caused memory i