American Monetary Association

483: Navigating the Housing Market: Rising Interest Rates, Refinancing, Emerging Markets and Institutional Investors with Robert Helms



Jason and Robert Helms discuss the recent increase in mortgage refinancing activity and the ongoing housing shortage, its impact on the real estate market, and potential solutions for affordable housing. They also explore emerging real estate opportunities, such as investing in high-demand, low-supply markets and the potential of parking lots as an investment opportunity. Lastly, they examined the role of institutional investors in the real estate market, their growth, and their benefits to smaller players in the market. #therealestateguys #RealEstate #Refinancing #MortgageRates #HousingMarket #RealEstateInvesting #Homebuyers #RealEstateStrategy #PropertyInvestment #HousingTrends #MarketAnalysis   Follow Jason on TWITTER, INSTAGRAM & LINKEDIN Call our Investment Counselors at: 1-800-HARTMAN (US) or visit: Free Class:  Easily get up to $250,000 in funding for real estate, business