This Week In America With Ric Bratton

Episode 3091: THE BEST SERVANT STORY by Antonio Garcia



The Best Servant Story: Life of Tony Roam God's Blessed Child by Antonio GarciaThe Best Servant Story, is the guidance of a person life lost in self thoughts; to not know that (one day) there was always someone guiding Him and serving Him, with lots of love and faithfulness to know (one day) it was all GOD purpose plan.He was never alone in all His trials, tribulations, and hardest times of His life.The Holy Spirit, serve Him and help Him find His destiny, to know there was always someone by His side.As a friend, companion, and servant, to know Jesus Christ.In all areas of His life that He have experience, as a child, and growing up to write the book and much more as The Best Servant Story, Life of Tony Roam and different songs, being part of Him now Artist Rey Bendecido Amigo Fiel Supreme Carries Me Amiga Amigo and with Ft Rey Bendecido Eres Tu.Bible says, before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee: and before thou comets forth out of the womb, I sanctified thee. This is the story, of Antonio Garcia my se