Northwest Bliss

Episode 40: Seeds of Imaginations Journey with Steve Schoonover



If life is a poem, be the poet. If life is a story, be the author. If life is an adventure, be the hero. To live any other way is a waste of this experience we call life. -Dr. Steve MaraboliTodays Takeaways  Dealing with issues of struggle Honoring a dear friend  A turn of the century story about grit and overcoming Powerful words for a lifetime Making decisions.  Love is hidden in plain sight God is not merely at your fingertips but within your grasp. Live each day like a child digging through an antique treasure chest rifling for the next discovery. Open your arms and your eyes to the God who stands in plain sight and works miracles in your midst. Look for him in your workdays and weekends, meeting-filled Mondays, and lazy Saturdays. Search for him in the snowy sunsets and Sabbaths, seasons of Lent, and sitting at your table. Pray for—and expect—wonder. For when you search for God, you will discover him. —Margaret FeinbergReplayed Episode Shared by Interviewing Jesus Podcast with Kristen Wambach Show Notes