Yoga | Birth | Babies

Why Your Baby May Benefit From Pediatric Physical Therapy with Dr. Emily Schlicht, PT, DPT



When today’s guest reached out to me about bringing a pediatric physical therapy conversation to the table, I was all in. Apart from my well-known love for all things anatomy and my own experience with PT, I was really curious how it even works with newborns and babies! For this episode of Yoga | Birth | Babies, I am joined by Dr. Emily Schlict. Emily is a pediatric physical therapist who primarily treats patients from birth to 5 years old. She is trained in dynamic movement intervention (DMI) and Schroth Therapy for Scoliosis. Emily is also a Board Certified Autism Specialist. Emily is the owner of EMpower PT, which provides pediatric physical therapy to children in their homes throughout Manhattan. In this conversation, Emily goes over the reasons a newborn may need to see a physical therapist, what PT looks like for a newborn or baby under three, and how to recognize when it may be time for parents to seek out PT for their child. We even discuss some general things, aside from PT, that you can do with yo