Born To Win Podcast - With Ronald L. Dart

Jeremiah #17



One of the things we depend on is that God is not fickle. He isn’t one way today and another way tomorrow. He doesn’t have one standard today and another tomorrow. He doesn’t have one standard for leaders and a different standard for followers.Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.James 1:17 KJVSo we can ask. When a people go wrong—a whole community or even a nation of people—who does God blame?There was a man named Jeremiah, and God came to him repeatedly with messages for all the people about what they were doing wrong. And I would assume that, since God doesn’t change, what he told him would still be applicable to us today. He sent Jeremiah down to a public place to tell the people how God felt about their lifestyles and what would come down on their heads because of them. This went on for years, and Jeremiah recorded all this in his memoirs—you probab