Wine for Normal People

Friends of the Pod Series -- Ep 478: Piero Mastroberardino -- the Soul of the Wines & Vines of Campania



Campania was one of the most famous wine regions of antiquity. The pedigree of Fiano, Greco, and Aglianico are well documented in literature of the time (including Pliny the Elder’s Naturalis Historius)! These wines have a legacy of cultivation for more than 2000 years on this land, and since the 1700s, the Mastroberardino family have taken the lead in protecting and elevating the region and its wines. This family kept these ancient grapes alive when all others abandoned them, and have been tireless champions of the grapes, the wines, and the region for centuries. Mastroberardino has been called the “guardian” of the wine history of Campania and they are the most historically significant winery in southern Italy. Photo: Piero Mastroberardino. Credit: Kellogg Wine Selections This show features the brilliant Piero Mastroberardino, whom I had the honor and pleasure of meeting when I was in Campania. He makes one of the single best wines I have ever had (Stilèma Taurasi) and all of these wines are fantastic.