Rich Zeoli

WSJ Bombshell Report: Biden’s Age is Impacting His Presidency



The Rich Zeoli Show- Hour 1: 3:05pm- Aubrie Spady of Fox News writes: “Prosecutors presented evidence that Hunter Biden attempted to buy and smoked crack in the days after he purchased the gun. Prosecutors shared a text message exchange from October 13, 2018 that featured Biden sending a message to Hallie Biden indicating that he was ‘waiting for a dealer named Mookie.’ The next day, two days after the gun purchase, prosecutors presented evidence that Biden sent another text message to Hallie Biden that said he was recently sleeping on a car while smoking crack.” You can read updates here: 3:10pm- Someone known as “WeedSlut420” testified during Hunter Biden’s gun trial on Wednesday! The president’s son has been charged with three felonies related to illegally acquiring a firearm in October of 2018. 3:20pm- Is Joe Biden too old to be president? According to a new report from The Wall Street Journal’s Annie Linskey and Siobhan Hu