Underground Usa

Debate Post-Mortem: It’s Time To Stop F*cking Around



CAUTION: This episode contains strong language.Well, the second presidential sound-byte festival (presidential debate) is in the books, and I can say, without any hesitation, that the ABC News-sponsored “debate” was the worst-executed debate in presidential debate history. In fact, the only superlative that can be tossed at it is this: The moderators were so bad—so transparently and overtly in the tank for Kamala Harris—that they should lose their jobs, even at their Left-leaning network.First and foremost, we really shouldn’t be shocked that the result of the so-called debate (there wasn’t any actual “debate” that took place; it was just a series of lies and unsubstantiated charges from the Left unchallenged by Harris' adoring moderators), the result was pre-determined; pre-slated toward Harris. ABC and ABC News are owned by the Disney Corporation, which, let’s face it, hates the Right and conservatism with a seething arrogance only the most woke can appreciate.But to add insult to pre-scripted injury, as Th