Intimateconversationspodcast's Podcast

The Art of Co Devotional Love with Rachel Pringle Urb & Johann Urb Part 1



I seriously think I'm healed from ever questioning that my dream for relationships is unfounded. Johann and Rachel pour PRAISE & RESPECT into each other’s Souls. They are a beautiful, transparent and authentic couple who is engaged in co-devotional practices and brave transparent communication that I've always craved. It's possible! And of course the inside always creates the outside so their deep internal devotional self practice is clearly at the root of their shared devotion.  @johannurb3731      @fxemma   In this deliciously vulnerable and succulently transparent conversation we also discussed... -How literally having their relationship almost blow up in yr. 4 was the catalyst through which these transformations occurred... -How facing, integrating and giving the gift of their processed shadow has brought out the best in themselves and one another... -How they make other people gag when they praise appreciate and fill up each other's cup with kindness...  -How the pillar of their relationship is their