Sound Bhakti

Do The Best You Can With What You Have | HG Vaiśeṣika Dāsa | Rādhā-Kuṇḍa : ISV Yatra 2024| Feb 23



Oh, there was actually a third verse because he remembered it afterwards. He said there were three verses, and the third verse, he said, was favored by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta. I’m talking about Mukund Dutta. He said, “sve sve 'dhikāre yā niṣṭhā sa guṇaḥ parikīrtitaḥ (SB 11.20.26),” that it’s a very good quality. Guna means mode; it also means a good quality, that you act according to your level of advancement, your adhikar. Don’t try to imitate others. One of my God Brothers, one of our God Brothers, was here for the Govardhan Festival we hold every year during Kartik. Actually, it’s just a reading but kind of a festival for us, and he was there. He was talking to some devotees, and he told them that this time in my life, I’m not trying to compete with anybody. I’m just trying to do my level best with what I can do in Krishna Consciousness. This younger devotee so much appreciated hearing that, and this is the spirit: “sve sve 'dhikāre yā niṣṭhā sa guṇaḥ parikīrtitaḥ,” that you have a position in life right no