Feminine Power Time With Christine Arylo

246: Sacred Rage. Holy Grief.



Anger and grief are good human emotions. They have the potential to open up so much for us – individually and collectively – which can lead to healing, breaking down barriers, and breaking through to better realities. The problem is that most humans weren't taught how to express anger or grief in healthy ways, so it comes out sideways in distorted ways, or it gets stuffed down until we blow up or get sick. Sometimes we are the receiver of that big emotional eruption and other times we are the "unleasher" or "erupter" on someone else. In this episode, Christine and Jennifer explore perspectives and practices around dealing with the kind of rage and grief that comes from our wounds or the wounds of others, and how to do it differently in ways that lead to wholeness. Together we’ll explore how we can: Discharge anger and grief so that it doesn't build up inside us and leak out, or erupt in distorted ways Have big emotions like rage and grief about the world, about our reality, about other people's actions o