Father Simon Says

Father Simon Says - September 13, 2024 - Attending Weddings



(3:27) Bible Study: 1 COR 9:16-19, 22B-27 How do you properly kill a chicken? Father explains.  Lk 6:39-42 Father shares the word in Greek for Gospel. (22:56) Break 1 (24:33) Letters:  Father talks about Agape Love and what it means to not eat meat sacrificed to other gods. Enjoy some humor about the gospel reading today. Father also answers the question: "Are all religions the same?" (35:59) Break 2 (37:01) Word of the Day: Stewardship (38:32) Phones: Al - If my child or grandchild is not getting married in a Catholic Church, could I still to go to the wedding? Dennis - A friend who's leaving the faith, b/c he read about a supposed family that created Christianity and Jesus?   What do you think? Mary - Thank you, Fr. Simon! His comments about attending non-Sacramental functions resonated and helped me, as my oldest daughter is having a same- sex ceremony and we're one of the few not attending. Madison - Why do we have fingers, hearts of saints, relics?