Grierson & Leitch

"Men," "Firestarter"



Leitch is solo this week! (That's why the episode is so short.) Grierson is in Cannes still, so Leitch talks about Alex Garland's "Men" and the Stephen King remake "Firestarter." He also talks about the Jurassic Park movies for a while and mostly just reminds you why he needs Grierson on this show. Grierson will be back next week, promise. Thanks to Dylan Mayer and My Friend Mary, both of which are wonderful, for the music. We hope you enjoy. Let us know what you think @griersonleitch on Twitter, or As always, give us a review on iTunes with the name of a movie you'd like us to review, and we'll discuss it on a later podcast. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit Learn more about your ad choices. Visit