Ptm Radio



Subscriber-only episodeSend us a textHow did a cloud formation in Arizona revolutionize an entire ministry? This episode unravels the extraordinary vision experienced by Brother William Branham in December 1962, where he encountered seven angels, setting the stage for the revelation of the Seven Seals. Witness the profound moments that led Brother Branham to preach these divine mysteries in Jeffersonville, Indiana, and understand how each seal uncovers biblical secrets and initiates the third pull, aimed at fostering rapturing faith for the Bride of Christ. Through vivid descriptions of powerful blasts and angelic constellations, we highlight the divine commission that affirmed his mission to reveal these sacred truths.We also tackle the pervasive spirit of Nicolaitanism and its historical impact on the church, as early leaders like Ignatius of Antioch elevated the bishop's role, overshadowing the Holy Spirit's guidance. Discover how the Book of Revelation's symbolism illustrates the spirits co