Kfi's Featured Segments!

@HomewithDean – Homily 09/15



So after 28 wonderful years together it’s possible that Tina and I might have a long term relationship on our hands. Time will tell, but it’s looking pretty good.I’m not exactly sure when we started getting questions about it, but we’re definitely getting asked more and more these days what the secret to a great marriage is. My first answer is usually peanut butter. I’d say a mutual love of peanut butter is critical. And cheese. Who wants a relationship without cheese? Oh, and friendship. In truth, the art of friendship is the secret. At least it’s our secret. A good friendship can lead to marriage, but marriage does not necessarily lead to friendship. Therefore, it’s way more important to be a friend than a spouse. When people ask me how I feel about Tina my answer is always a friendship answer: I like her.Of course, I love her too. But to be perfectly honest there are plenty of people that I love who I don’t particularly want to spend every waking hour with. You know what I’m talking about. But with Tina I