Four Four Magazine

Four Four Premiere: Steve Redhead - Even Ears [IMFHP06]



Marcel Fengler's agenda-setting HARDPROOF series returns to his IMF label with another well-curated mix of forward-thinking techno. The superb sixth edition features the sounds of Steve Redhead, Audioklinik, The Sixth Sense, vrov and a collaboration between OGUZ and STEYA. The five previous editions of this series have established it as a vital resource for those who like their techno skilled and uncompromising. It's offered a wealth of timeless tracks from carefully sought-out artists, all of whom fit with the label's mission to platform next generation stars and enduring innovators while also chiming perfectly with the signature sound of Fengler's own groove-driven sets. Steve Redhead brings a veteran's touch after more than 20 years at the forefront of the scene. He has worked under various aliases and put 40+ EPs that never do the same thing twice. Here he offers 'Even Ears' which is a serious wedge of tightly-programmed concrete funk run through with evolving synth lines. They make for a dynamic, ever-s