Mind Matters

Advocating for Neurodivergent Kids at School



School is back in session in many parts of the world, which is the time when struggles often begin to surface. On episode 241, Emily Kircher-Morris talks with Amanda Morin about the complexities of advocating for neurodivergent children, including utilizing Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) and the services they require. They explore the qualification process for IEPs, the importance of understanding behavior as communication, and the distinction between medical and educational diagnoses. The conversation emphasizes the need for advocacy, and the importance of tailored support for each child's unique needs. Takeaways IEPs provide specialized services and instruction for struggling students. Qualification for an IEP involves a comprehensive evaluation process. Twice exceptional children may have giftedness that masks their disabilities. Behavior can be a form of communication for children. Medical diagnoses do not equate to educational diagnoses. Labels do not define a child's abilities or pote