Savage Nation With Michael Savage

THE DEATH OF THE WEST: How Harris/Walz are the end of individualism, liberalism & democracy - #764



Savage discusses the delicate state of Western Civilization, drawing on the predictions in Spengler's 1918 book "The Decline of the West."Savage argues that the West is no longer in the decline phase but is experiencing its death, with opposing forces represented by Donald Trump and his supporters of individualism, liberalism, and democracy, and those who despise these values. Spengler's book also touches upon the issue of Israel and Jews, with Savage highlighting the historical presence of Jews in Israel and their contributions contrasted with the lack of progress in neighboring Arab countries. Learn how the Democratic Party has transformed into a party of absolute dictatorship, with the likes of Vice President Kamala Harris and Alexandria Occasional-Cortex who desire statism and centralized power. He connects socialism to imperialism, arguing that it is not a compassionate or peaceful system, but rather one of willpower and imperialistic ambitions. He blasts Mitch McConnell for working on behalf of China's