Savage Nation With Michael Savage

Should TRUMP switch RFK JR for VANCE? - #761



Savage discusses RFK Jr's decision to endorse Donald Trump after he suspended his campaign in most battleground states. He speculates that RFK Jr saw no chance of winning the election and may have endorsed Trump to make a difference in the administration. Will this ultimately sway the election? Could RFK Jr be appointed to head the Department of Health and Human Services? Kennedy voiced concerns about various issues, including "the most important issue," which he said was American health care. Kennedy shared statistics that nearly three-fourths of Americans are overweight or obese, with 50 percent of children classified as overweight or obese. He condemned the government regulatory agencies like the CDC and the FDA for failing to protect the American people. He then exposed them for being co-opted by the very industries they are supposed to regulate including Big Pharma and Big Ag. He discusses RFK Jr's stance on health and nutrition, comparing him to Donald Trump. He recalls his famous Air Force One Hot Dog