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The Obama and Disappointing Bush Support for Biden



“Democrats rule and Republicans drool.” That is the level of political discourse offered by Democrats today. President Obama linked up with Hollywood, Internet, and tech celebrities to raise vast amounts of money to support Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden. What are Republicans leaders doing to match this dollar haul by Obama? They are also working to elect Joe Biden! The last living former Republican President, George W. Bush, has not lifted a pinkie finger to help reelect Donald Trump. No fundraisers. No supportive tweets. No favorable interviews. And worse still, former staffers launched a group to raise money for the election of Joe Biden! I have two reflections about Obama and Bush support for Joe Biden to share with you today. MENTIONED https://dnyuz.com/2020/07/30/obama-unleashes-on-trump-privately-as-he-raises-24-million-for-biden/ Obama Unleashes on Trump Privately as He Raises $24 Million for Biden https://www.theguardian.com/world/2008/apr/14/barackobama.uselections2008 Obama angers