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We Don’t Deserve Bill Barr



Trump Derangement Syndrome was on full display at the House Judiciary Committee hearing yesterday, Tuesday, July 28, 2020. Attorney General Bill Barr was the picture of calm and control as the Democrats threw futile temper tantrums and embarrassed themselves. Because these childish House Democrats could not put President Donald Trump in the hot seat, they did the next best thing by yelling at Attorney General Barr and not letting him respond to their ridiculous and partisan howling. We don’t deserve Bill Barr. Let me tell you why. MENTIONED Attorney General William Barr's full opening statement for House hearing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KuCeojBxGPs https://www.nationalreview.com/2020/07/democrats-make-mockery-of-barr-hearing/ Democrats Make Mockery of Barr ‘Hearing’ https://www.foxnews.com/media/joe-concha-media-coverage-barr-hearing Joe Concha rips coverage of Barr hearing: The media is doing America 'no favors' with omission bias The Hill's media reporter says mainstream media is trying to cove