Right In Dc

Interview with James Pinkerton



My guest is Jim Pinkerton, a columnist, author and political analyst. You can read his work at the American Conservative and Breitbart. He's a grad of Stanford University and served on the White House staff under both Ronald Reagan and George HW Bush. Jim worked on each of their presidential campaigns for 1980 and 1992, and he also was a senior advisor to the Mike Huckabee 2008 presidential campaign. Jim is an expert on some of the topics that are near and dear to my heart. I have been working on the Obamacare issue since it was first just a glimmer in President Obama and the Congress’s eyes. In today’s show, we discuss: • How a recent decision by a Texas judge declaring Obamacare unconstitutional will affect the debate on healthcare going • Why it was a mistake for Republicans to not have a replacement for Obamacare from the beginning • How a federally-mandated healthcare system will affect innovation in the field of medical developments • The expanding euthanasia regime in Europe as death panelists p