Albuquerque Business Podcast

Transform Your Leadership Today: Embracing Awakening, Connection, and Surrender



Leadership is a demanding path. We're constantly navigating complex challenges, making tough decisions, and trying to inspire those around us. But in the midst of all this, it's easy to lose sight of our own personal growth and spiritual well-being. Recently, I embarked on a 12-stage journey towards spiritual transformation. I'm excited to share the first three stages with you today. My hope is that my experiences might resonate with you, or perhaps even inspire you on your own path. 1. Awakening Awareness Understanding and Admitting My Limitations The first step was about waking up. I had to look in the mirror and honestly acknowledge that I don't have all the answers. As leaders, we often feel the pressure to appear infallible, but the truth is, we're all human. Admitting my limitations wasn't easy, but it was an act of courage. It opened the door to growth, allowing me to seek help, learn from others, and foster a more collaborative environment. Realizing That My Current Path Is Unsustainable I also came t