Biz Women Talk With Julie Foucht

Releasing the Grip of Perfectionism with Michele Molitor



    Today’s guest is returning to the show, and this time, we’re diving into a topic that touches all of us—impostor syndrome. This is something we grapple with daily, especially as women and business owners. Why? Because society has conditioned us to strive for perfection in everything we do. It’s time to unpack this and truly understand how impostor syndrome operates so it no longer controls us.    Joining me is Michele Molitor, a dynamic force for positive change in the ever-evolving mental health landscape. As a master coach, clinical hypnotherapist, speaker, and best-selling author, Michele has devoted her career to guiding others through transformational change in both their personal and professional lives.     Michele and I share with you:     - The beauty in embracing your flaws and imperfections   - Giving yourself the grace to move on from your mistakes   - Living life experiences from the lens of creativity and learning   - Where does perfectionism come from?   - How perfecti