Those Conspiracy Guys

The Montauk Project Revisited



DEEP DIVE - On this episode we revisit an old topic and give it a new perspective; a classic conspiracy and one that still splits conspiracy theorists down the middle when it comes to its voracity, the players involved and the legitimacy of their claims. With huge names in conspiracy come even grander tales of time travel, body swapping, psychic powers and more as this time we revisit The Montauk Project Al Beilek, Preston Nicholls and Duncan Cameron; the veritable three amigos of contemporary conspiracy lore, all shine in this story of mind control stations, abducted gifted children, underground bases and conjured monsters. At Montauk, Long Island at a spot called Camp Hero lies a radar array that when utilised in the correct manner can send out orgone energy from gifted kids to manipulate the minds of the masses.Sounding like Stranger Things? Yeah thats because it a big inspiration and the story gets even crazier from there; with Al Beilek darting back and forth across the sacred timeline and Duncan Cameron