Those Conspiracy Guys

Praying Medic - Qanon



INTERVIEW - In this episode, the first official of the TCG Interviews series, I talk with Dave Hayes aka Praying Medic about his journey into the mysterious world of Q and the secret collective of government insiders who leave us breadcrumbs of hope in uncertain times. We talk spirituality and faith based belief; Q and the various methods of discovery of Q information; we talk about the facts and fictions around the Q phenomenon and the cult-like fan base the anonymous poster(s) have gotten in the past two years. There are also chats about specific cases Q has blown whistles on and I mildly grill Dave on the more unbelievable parts of the story in general. It's a good hearted gawp at this most mysterious and intriguing internet phenomenon. This episode is available ad-free here on Patreon for all you wonderful people who support me and this show!If you want to find Dave and more of his info, books and Q knowledge head to for all links to writings and posts. His books are able to be