Those Conspiracy Guys

Jim Morrison



DEEP DIVE - On this episode of Those Conspiracy Guys we ride the King's Highway and break on through to tell the story of one of the most enigmatic rock stars of all time and a man known as much for his antics off stage as on, Jim Morrison. Born in 1943 to parents George and Clara, Jim grew up a military brat, being moved from town to town as his father, a naval Admiral, was promoted and moved post during the 40s and 50s. Not settling anywhere and having a disjointed upbringing, it was no wonder Jim was a dreamer and a prankster.He was a well read and gifted youth who was on the Dean's list and delighted in poetry and psychology. He went to study this in Florida after high school but swapped his yearning for universal truth for the California lifestyle by transferring to UCLA to study film. Here his bohemian artist streak was nurtured, as well as his notions of artistic integrity. In this film class he met Ray Manzarek, soon to be keyboard player for The Doors, and they started a band. They gigged all around