Adams On Agriculture

AOA Tuesday 9-24-2024



Tuesday on AOA, powered by Cenex, we start the show discussing the continued grain market rally led by soybeans with Don Roose from U.S. Commodities in Segment One. Next up in Segment Two, we hear from Bill Wirtz, Senior Policy Analyst at the Consumer Choice Center who shares his thoughts on what an RFK-Trump partnership could mean for American agriculture and perspective on proposed grocery store price caps by VP Kamala Harris. In Segment Three, we discuss comments from former President Trump on Monday saying he would impose a 200% tariff on John Deere products coming from Mexico into the U.S. and get updates on Farm Bill negotiations with Farm Progress Policy Editor, Joshua Baethge. Then in Segment Four, we take a look at ag news headlines including a new cotton pilot program being offered by USDA and more.