Creating A Family: Talk About Infertility, Adoption & Foster Care

Talking with Children About Adoption at Different Ages



Click here to send us a topic idea or question for Weekend Wisdom.Do you wonder how to talk to your child about adoption? What if they don't seem interested? How do you talk about some of the hard stuff? This episode explores talking with children about adoption at different ages with Mari Itzkowitz, with the Center for Adoption Support and Education (CASE). She is an adoption-competent therapist and leader of the CASE Training Team, providing training and education to professionals and parents.In this episode, we cover:How does an adoptee’s understanding of adoption differ by age?  InfantsToddlers & Preschoolers School Age Tweens Teens Young Adults Older Adults How to talk about adoption at different ages? Should you wait for the child to ask questions before you tell them about their adoption story?What if your child or youth shows little or no interest in their adoption story?How does openness or lack of openness impact a child’s understanding of adoption? Should adoptive parents bring up the idea