

Click here to send us a topic idea or question for Weekend Wisdom.Have you ever wondered if your struggle to conceive could be caused by your genes? Today we're going to answer that question and more about genetics and fertility by talking with two certified genetic counselors with CooperGenomics: Sharyn Lincoln and Sheila Johal.In this episode, we cover:Infertility is a disease affecting nearly 7% of all couples. It is a highly heterogeneous pathology with a complex etiology that includes both environmental and genetic factors. In this episode we will be focusing on the genetics. What percentage of infertility can be attributed to our genes? Genetics and Female Infertility47,XXX (trisomy X; Triple X)⁃       What is trisomy X?⁃       How common is 47,XXX?⁃       What are the symptoms of Triple X syndrome?⁃       How common is infertility in women with Triple X?⁃       Will the children conceived also have this chromosomal abnormality?Turner syndrome (monosomy X)⁃       What is Turner Syndrome?⁃       How