Mike & Maurice's Mind Escape

Masters of Rhetoric: Aristotle Episode #3



*This series and episode is slide show and visual heavy so check out our video episodes on Youtube and Spotify. The Linktree link is at the bottom. In Episode 3 we will take a look at the Philosopher and Polymath Aristotle and the influence he has had on modern science and thought. Please check out episode 1 on the pre-socratics or Episode 2 where I discuss Socrates, Plato, and Plato’s Dialogues if you have not already. In coming episodes we will discuss the sophists and more on Plato.  *Welcome to a journey into the origins of thought, where we explore the minds that shaped the very foundations of our understanding. Hello, my name is Mike and I am the host of Mind Escape Podcast. I am happy to share my new series called Masters of Rhetoric. Masters of Rhetoric is a free bi-weekly course/podcast that will air on Mondays. The goal is to draw from the earliest philosophers, scientists, and critical thinkers to help navigate the current technological paradigm. In a world where divisive and eristic rhetoric oft