Christy Wright's Business Boutique

BB Ep 39: Five Lies You Believe About Business with Annie F. Downs



Which Lies Are Holding You Back? Many of you are being held back by something you aren't even aware of: You're believing lies about yourselves and about your businesses. See, when you believe something that isn't true, you're living our life based on misinformation. You're missing out on something that could change your life, that could make you happy or even make you a better person and open up opportunities you couldn't even imagine. Recently a woman came up to me at a speaking event and told me she'd been hearing me for about a year on The Dave Ramsey Show. But every time she heard me, she thought, "Well, that's nice. But it's not for me. I could never start my own business." Eight months later, guess what she's doing? She's running her own business! I love her story because it's a great example of how we all believe lies we think are true. And if you don't hear the truth, you're going to continue to live in those lies and you'll never be free to win. So in this episode, I'll talk about five common lies th