Soulful Conversations With Ash Grunwald

The New Normal - Lessons from Lockdown



I don’t believe in letting external realities dictate my inner reality so I worked hard during these dark days to keep mentally resilient and focus on what I had power to change.   I resisted the temptation for things to be different to what they were and focused on what I could.   What am I good at?  How can I bring in some money to keep us afloat?  What do people need?  Well I know that I am good at music,  I know I am good at adapting,  I am good at communicating and I have some skills that people might want.   So first up and within a matter of days I set up online guitar lessons, vocal coaching, online private gigs all on the Zoom platform and some money started to filter in.   This was by no means my dream job or what I saw myself doing but I realised it wasn’t about my ego.  It’s firstly about feeding my family and secondly embracing what is and thirdly if I am going to do something I am going to do it the best possible way I can, so I focused on delivering the goods 100% to whoever was good enough to