Rich Zeoli

Concerned Women for America



The Rich Zeoli Show- Hour 3: 5:00pm- Penny Nance—CEO of Concerned Women for America—joins The Rich Zeoli Show. “She just wrapped up a bus tour of the swing states, traveling 10,000 miles, talking to women about the issues they care about and spoiler alert - it's night and day from Kamala's platform. Women in Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Georgia – they're all saying the same things: 1) The economy, the economy, the economy. From the nail technician to the white collar office-job working mom, they're all getting killed by the Biden-Harris economy and inflation. 2) Their rights as mothers are being eroded by the government. They're appalled by public schools withholding information from parents, whether it's a child who is transitioning or is being overwhelmed with the trans-agenda, or a male peer who is using their daughter's locker room or bathroom, to straight up What are they teaching these kids?? 3) They're sick of the left and the media saying they care only about abortion. It seems like the governm