
It’s Not Always an Obvious Connection



Back in the late 70s, there was a terrific documentary on the BBC called Connections. It was hosted by historian and author James Burke and now that I think about it, I don’t remember whether I watched it on PBS or I borrowed VHS copies of it from my freshman English teacher, Mrs. Copeland who also loaned out copies of Cosmos. And to be clear, I’m talking about the Carl Sagan version, not the Neil Degrasse Tyson version. Regardless, the show was all about tracing the connections between things that on the surface share nothing in common. I found it fascinating and I think it inspired me to start looking deeper at the world around me to try to see how things might be related.CONNECT WITH MEWebsite:  Instagram: @jefferysaddorisSUBSCRIBESubscribe to Almost Everything with Jeffery Saddoris in your favorite podcast app.MUSICMusic For Workplaces by Jeffery Saddoris