
Iteration 107: In The Making



I’m going to try something different, so I really don’t know exactly where this Iteration is going to go. I thought I’d just put on some music and write whatever came to mind. At the moment, Dark Star by Crosby, Stills, and Nashis playing in the background, which I love despite not really being a CSN fan. Adrianne found the album at this little record store in DC a few weeks ago that’s across the street from our favorite ice cream shop.LINKSMy Mixcast 4 long-term updateMy Mixcast 4 initial reviewDavid Carson nucollage, vol. 1 reviewCONNECT WITH MEWebsite:  Twitter: @jefferysaddoris  Instagram: @jefferysaddorisSUBSCRIBESubscribe to Jeffery Saddoris: Almost Everything in your favorite podcast app to get more conversations like this. You can find the full written version of this Iteration on Substack.MUSICMusic For Workplaces by Jeffery Saddoris