
Deep Natter 76: A Copy of a Copy



In this episode, Maarten Rots joins me from the Netherlands for a terrific conversation talking about a recent salon group show he was in and the importance of saying yes to putting our work out into the world. Plus, I pitch him an idea for a potential new zine project and we even talk a little bit about AI…just a little.LINKSKristopher MathesonEverything’s a Remix on AIBrian Eno biography (via Amazon)John Cage biography (via Amazon)CONNECT WITH MAARTENWebsite: https://www.maartenrots.nlInstagram: @maartenrotsMarch & Rock magazine: https://marchandrock.comCONNECT WITH JEFFERYWebsite:  Substack:  Instagram: @jefferysaddorisSUBSCRIBESubscribe to Jeffery Saddoris: Almost Everything in your favorite podcast app to get more conversations like this.SUPPORTLeave a review or a rating wherever you listen, or you can share the episode on social media.MUSICJeffery Saddoris