
Iteration 68: Putting My Self First



One of the most difficult things about being a freelance creative is that you’re basically always on the clock. Sure, you can wait for inspiration to strike, but in my experience, you’ll end up waiting more than making. As Chuck Close famously said, “Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work.” While I understand what he’s saying, and may even agree with it to an extent, sometimes it’s not that easy. I think there’s a middle ground where instead of simply waiting for inspiration to strike, we can think about the purpose and intention we want to bring to our work before embarking on the uncertain journey of making it.LINKSMaarten RotsThe Practice by Seth GodinCreativity, Inc. by Ed CatmullCONNECT WITH MEWebsite:  Twitter: @jefferysaddoris  Instagram: @jefferysaddorisSUBSCRIBESubscribe to Jeffery Saddoris: Everything in your favorite podcast app to get every show I release in one feed.SUPPORTLeave a review or a rating wherever you listen, or you can DONA