
Process Driven 40: Marc Wilson



While I’ve never really done one myself — not intentionally anyway — I am fascinated by long-term creative projects. I find the whole idea of intentionally and purposefully immersing yourself in something you know is going to take years to realize both inspiring and a little terrifying. But I guess if you find the right project, the challenges, obstacles and accidents both happy and unhappy make the journey of bringing whatever it is to life that much more rewarding.Marc Wilson is a photographer in the UK who has completed two such projects back to back. From 2010 to 2014, he produced a body of work called The Last Stand which, in his words “aims to reflect the histories and stories military conflict and the memories held in the landscape itself.” In 2015, after releasing the body of work as a book, he began work on his next project, A Wounded Landscape – bearing witness to the Holocaust, which is based around 22 Holocaust survivor stories. The six-year project, culminating in a 750-page book, was made at mor