
Setting the Intention for 2021



Like many of you, I could not be happier to finally be rid of the raging dumpster fire that was 2020. I know the next year will be anything but easy, but I am cautiously optimistic that 2021 will be filled with new possibilities and chances to do things a little differently than last year.I started doing yoga about a month ago and Adrianne reminded me that there’s a concept in yoga about setting an intention at the beginning of a practice and while I’m not a fan of resolutions per se, I wanted to share a few things today that I’ve been thinking about for a while as a way of setting my intentions for the year ahead.To that end, I want to let you know about some of the changes that I’m making both personally and professionally moving forward.Let’s start with my shows. Early in 2020 I created a new feed called “Jeffery Saddoris: Everything” as a way for you to get everything I release, including Process Driven, In Between, Iterations, and any sort of one-off conversation, like the recent chat with Bill Wadman, a