
Iteration 63: You Have to Plant a Foot



If you’ve listened to any of my shows before, you know that I spend a fair bit of time talking about creativity, both in the literal and in the abstract. I’m fascinated by how and why we create. Why for some, the need to express who they — we — are is as important to the human experience as taking a breath. Questions around creativity inform many of the conversations I have — whether or not I’m rolling tape — what I read and even some of the things I watch. For example, this morning I watched a TED Talk by Ethan Hawke. Now, I wouldn’t call myself a FAN of Ethan Hawke, per se, although I’ve seen Gattaca a half-dozen times and he was great in Training Day with Denzel Washington. Anyway, like I said, I’m not a huge fan but I do have massive respect for the choices he makes as an artist. I mean, just scanning through his filmography reminds you of some of the often unexpected and occasionally brilliant left turns he’s made in his career. And whether or not a project did well at the box office or was acclaimed by