

Many of us are moving through big sacred changes and transitions this year, that are requiring us to surrender to the divine plan of our lives.We are needing to practise letting go, being in the unknown, and deep trust as we listen to our inner guidance and courageously follow it where it is asking us to go. This process can be scary and unsettling. We may not understand why we are making certain changes, or where it is taking us. We may not actually realise that everything is unfolding perfectly, and that there is a higher part of us guiding us, and helping us come into alignment with everything that is right for us.So if you have felt confused or challenged by this process and if you would love to understand the 'divine plan', feel a deeper connection to your intuition and learn how to surrender to it's guidance, then this episode is for you. In this episode I cover:+ How I am personally surrendering to the divine plan, and why I have had to practise a lot of courage and trust.+ The evolution