Clyde Christian Bible Church

Give Us a King! (1 Samuel 8)



Israel's demand for a king represents a sea change for the people of God.  It's a microcosm of everything broken about humanity, and everything good and beautiful about the King they already had: God Himself.  But what is the problem with having a king?  What are their motivations in demanding one?  How does this affect us today?  And how is ancient Israel like a hippopotamus?All these questions are examined here, in a series of subjects that Chris is incredibly passionate about: power, justice, and the Kingship of Christ.--------------------------------------------------------Features "What Joy (Psalm 146)", by Sarah EmersonCCLI Song # 5633113© 2009 Centricity Music Publishing; Sarah Emerson Music Publishing(Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing)Features "You Are My King (Amazing Love)", by Billy J. FooteCCLI Song # 2456623© 1996 songs (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing)CCLI License # 1251412Clyde Christian Bible Church does not own the rights to any songs featured