Be Fabbo - A Wedding Industry Podcast

73: 8 Reasons Why Saying No to New Opportunities is Important for Business Growth



Let's keep the convo going, share some FABBO and send me a textThe power of saying yes versus the power of saying no. Quite often as creative entrepreneurs, we're the pleasers, right? We want to say yes to everyone. We want to help everyone, we have that servant heart, right? We want to serve by sharing our gifts. But if you ever thought about it, or maybe you've looked at your stats, or you've looked at your your outline in your analytics, and you realize that every time you say no, you're not seeing much business growth. Maybe there's a reason for that. We're going to talk about the power of saying no, on today's Episode 73 here on the Be Fabbo Podcast, where our topic is 8 Reasons Why Saying No to New Opportunities is Important for Business Growth. I know you want to hear more, and find ways to continue to strive for business and personal growth.  Grab your fave ☕, ✒️,