Liquid Church

3 Common Mistakes Parents Make | Raise ‘Em Up Part 2



Parenting is a profound responsibility that shapes future generations, spiritually, emotionally, and relationally. It requires intentionality, risk, and guidance. The Bible emphasizes that children are blessings and arrows that need careful direction. However, many parents miss the mark in three key ways: risking too little, rescuing too quickly, and modeling too weakly. Risking too little: Parents today are often overprotective, shielding their children from pain and failure, which robs them of confidence. Allowing children to take risks builds faith and resilience.  Rescuing too quickly: By rushing to save children from consequences, parents prevent them from learning critical life lessons. Failure teaches responsibility, perseverance, and helps children understand the biblical principle of sowing and reaping. Consequences lead to growth, and ultimately, a deeper dependence on God. Modeling too weakly: Children absorb more from what they see than what they hear. Parents must live out their faith authentical